Why You Don’t Have What You Want Yet

Carrie Veatch - Set Yourself Free

Carrie Veatch is a coach who helps ambitious female entrepreneurs bust through self-doubt and false narratives to create 6 figure and multiple 6 figure online businesses. Carrie combines neuroscience, teaching clients to rewire their brains through mindset work, and a safe container for clients to create the lives that truly want. She is a nomad living and traveling abroad (currently in Vietnam), morning routine enthusiast, CrossFitter, community minded, gluten free foodie that is obsessed with helping others create lives of freedom.



It’s the conditioning that we’ve been fed…the harder you work, the more money you make..and yet we all know examples of people where that is not true.

I’m such a believer in un-learning and re-learning so we can easily get what we want.

It’s the narratives, it’s the thoughts that say ‘You can’t have what you want’, ‘You have to work hard to get what you want’, and pretty much anything that reminds you or tells you you’re not good enough..not deserving…

We’re born worthy.

Men just don’t take things as personally.  They have a clear way of separating out ‘Well, it’s just business’…

We as women often takes things on.  We take things personally….we’re big feeling people..so often times we are conditioned to think that men are the ones that make the money…

Our narratives, whatever they may be, are the biggest driver of whether or not we go after the things we want.  This is why I work with so many women on beliefs first…

It’s so essential that we change the dialog between our ears.

The Roger Bannister example.  No one ran a four minute mile until he did and everyone else believed it was possible. Up until that point, we had no basis for believing…

This is where we have those limitation in our mind.  Sometimes it’s…based on past experience or things we’ve tried that haven’t worked out…so then we start to create these stories and have these beliefs that say ‘I’m not worthy of that’, ‘I can’t do that’, ‘I’m afraid of that’, ‘It’s possible for her, not me’…

Fear and excitement are two sides of the same coin…When we can flip that and we understand that our body has the same response to them, it’s just how we’re choosing to view it.  That’s how we can flip the experience…

First up…getting really clear on what you want.

Most people actually do know what they want, they just think they can’t have it.

The process is quite simple, but the work around it can be really challenging.

Deciding what we want…our work is to clean up our thoughts..behind everything that says you can’t have it.

It’s proving to yourself those thoughts are wrong.

Record all of the thoughts that are coming up…and look at them.  Sometimes we’re afraid to really look at them because we think ‘if I name them, then they must be true.’

You can’t shift and change anything if you’re not acknowledging it.

The work is to disprove it..so you have the new thoughts and narratives…then detach from every single detail of ‘how.’

Get into that place of trust and faith..having that belief that it’s already done.

You have to act out of that higher version of yourself.

Tap into your imagination.  What do you imagine that would feel like…tap into that place and make decisions and actions out of there.

We never have an exact blueprint….we all bring our unique experience 

I believe in the power of our minds and our imagination.  Kids are magical at this.  They do not have the same limitations or the same conditioning that we as adults have.  The work is to go back to being like that where you believed anything was possible.

I love so much of the masculine vs. feminine energy.

It’s so much easier for us to earn when we are in that receiving state.

I never think that having emotions or being a deeply feeling person are negatives…but you have to know how to use them…recognize patterns…where you’re getting in your way and where it’s really helping you…

Identify any of the thoughts and feelings that are in the way (about money)…

If you believe that everyone that has more than you is selfish and greedy…your subconscious is going to say ‘No.  We’re not going to do that.  It’s not safe.’

So much of it is a choice.

Actively going and cheering on that person that is triggering you…the feelings dissipate…and the reason I’m triggered is because I actually want what she has.

Mostly it’s around ‘enoughness’

The two questions I like to ask that have been so helpful for me…What do I need? …and What does my business need? and separating those out…and having some type of mindfulness practice to remind yourself that you are worthy…regardless.

The truth is…if you never did another thing in your life…you are worthy simply because you’re alive.

I have a journal that you can grab for free….it’s tapping into your power and who you are and what you’re capable of…

With journaling, it get’s to the root of something pretty quickly…most of us aren’t even aware of what our patterns are…so we keep coming up against something…I have a bunch of simple journal prompts that help get underneath..what’s going on…so you can start to shift them into more empowering practices and beliefs.

Bet on yourself.


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Audio : Ariza Music Productions


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